Thursday, July 24, 2008

Funny Moments

Ok so this blog is about duh funny moments. I think this past week has been very interesting and for me sooo blonde. So the first 2 stories are of friends. The first story is about my friends mom. I was at the mall with her mom and two other friends and my sister and her brother and sister. We were on our way out and this lady said hello and my friends mom said hello back. I just started laughing sooo hard. Because the lady walking by was on her cell phone and my friends mom just thought it would be funny to say hello. And it was. The second story is of my friends brother. Who sometimes doesn't think through things lol. So they were on their way to Denny's and a cop was following them the whole way. The cop walks up to her brother and says, " Sir have we had too many drinks tonight??" and her brother says, "no" the cop then says, " why did you park in a handicap parking space then." Her brother then is like aahuuhughg. So the cop asks for his license and registration and her brother gives the cop his visa card. LOL didn't help his case much right. funny funny funny. Now for my blonde moments. I was on AIM and someone wrote mk. I was like what does that mean. He was like mmmkkkkk. I was like oooohhhh I get it sorry blonde moment. Then someone else said they were house rehibilitating. I was like ooh. I thought he was like at his house rehbilitating from drugs or something. He just meant like flipping a house lol. I am such a dork sometimes. lol. Right know I can't remember anymore but I am positive that there are more so there is my little ness on my dorkiness. My friend said one time that if you want to sound smart add ness at the end of everything and if you want to sound cool add Laaddddiiieesss at the end of everything. How you doing Laaadddiiiesss. lol luv you man

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