Monday, July 14, 2008


Life can be really hard sometimes. Lately my life has been kind of crazy just because of some stuff that has happened in our church and in my family. Even though things can get messed up in life we still need to keep our eyes focused on Christ which can sometimes be hard when we are to focused on the things of this world or the problems we have. One time I think on a retreat one of the speakers asked what makes a mountain a mountain. He said it depends on how you look at it. If you are looking at it through your own eyes sure it's huge cause we can't do anything on our own. But when we look at the problem through God's eyes then it is just a little mole hill which it was the whole time we just were to stupid to realize. Even though life can be crazy God is always there for us. It amazes me how loving and compassionate God is toward us. My one friend on Sunday what just testifying about how great God is. And I started thinking about it. In troubled times God always prepares us for what is coming. Why would he prepare us? Because He loves us so much. It just amazes me how much He cares and loves us even when we are so stupid and rude to Him sometimes. The stories of Peter are really encouraging to me because even though he messed up so many times God still forgave him and Peter would come back and repent and go on his way again to serve the Lord. So even though we mess up so many times God is still waiting for us to repent and come back to Him and serve Him. God is amazing and I love how he cares for me even when I mess up. I encourage you to look through the problems of life through Christ's eyes and see the mole hill not the mountain.
Praise God,

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