Monday, August 18, 2008

My Family!!

SOOO my family. lol, What a hoot and a hillabeans. So my oldest sister is going to be a teacher for like pre-k through 3 or something and she works at a daycare and so she is always getting little kids music like folk music and umm the Wiggles and other stuff. Well me being all sarcastic like make fun of it thoroughly. So we're driving home and we're listening to this new CD she borrowed from the library Peter, Paul and Mommy. And it's like this really dumb song about umm like birds or something. So its all like rhyming and what not and soo I start making up really dumb rhymes that make noo sense at all and start making it sound like the song. Let me just lol. I am soo funny. So of course my family joins in and then we are driving down town and laughing making up really funny rhymes and my mom's like "We should roll down the window's" and my oldest sister is " Like NOOOO" lol it was soooo funny. Then there was this other song about some dude who like wants this girls to liek himn or something and so he's all like sad and depressed. And there's this part were it goes mercy me and rhymes with it and my lil bro sings it at the top of his lungs and its soooo histerical lol. I was laughing soo hard. I luv my family SOO much but somtimes as everyone knows they can get on ur nerves of course. But when that happens I try to be really goofy then get yelled at so yeah that doesn't always work out lol. But life goes on and yes ok I'm done lol.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ok just want to say I pretty much luv my new job. I work at subway. It is a pretty easy job not stressful at all really I think anyways. Idk if my co-workers think so. I luv my co-workers they are so fun. The one guy I work with is really funny the other day he accidentally sprayed himself in the eye with sanitizer it was really funny he was like " awww crap that really hurt!" It was really funny. It was kinda my fault though that is happened. I spilled some lettuce and he swept it out of the place we keep the lettuce and he needed to sanitize it cuz that's just gross even though they are in bins but whatever. So he had to go clean it out lol. Then today I asked if there was anything I needed to do and my boss said to go check the dinning room and the guy said that he had already done it and my boss turns to me and says " go check the dinning room" lol. He doesn't always do things very well. I need to teach him a thing or two lol jk jk. So I really like my job and its fun. So there's the DL of my job tehe.

Shopping With Siblings GRRR

LOL, ok so I went shopping with my siblings today and just let me say never again with all of them. We went in for like 10 items and it took an hour. That is just a bit ridiculous if you ask me. We got all the food but my younger sister kept wondering off with the kart along with her mind lol. And my lil bro just was being well a lil bro. And any were we went me and my older sis were like "get back here" or "were did they go now?" Shopping shouldn't be that complicated I think. But it was kinda funny all the same but just some advice feed them before you go out. We stopped by subway in Walmart before we went shopping and I was wearing my uniform and the one guy behind the counter looked sooooo cunfused it was soo funny. So moral of the story wear your uniform to another store and confuse the people lol.