Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm Weird!! tehe

Ok so most everyone who knows me knows that I am really really strange. It is very funny sometimes the strange things I do. One thing that makes me and my family laugh is when I randomly awake from slumber and say something. Let my explain. I was sleeping on the futon and my older sister and yonger sister where going back and forth on something high sugar to eat. My younger sister keeps coming in with different things she thinks the older may want. I'm like dead asleep and my little sister comes in with a clementine, and says, "what about an arangoatane or whatever these are?" I wake out of almost dead sleep and put my arm out and say, " I want it!" So my little sister hands me the clementine and I was way to tired to peel the thing, plus I don't have any nails at the moment so I ask her to peel it. By this time my mom and older sister are laughing at the fact that I just woke up out of nowhere and the I'm to lazy to peel it. And I'm like hey, I just woke up my arms aren't working give me a brake, and the little one didn't care at all to do it for me. While she was peeling it though she kept dropping the peels on the floor so she gave up and just dropped all the peels on the carpet and my mom was like grr.
The other weird thing about me is words. I love learning new and strange words. At the moment my favorite word is duvet! Appareantly it means quilt! You pronounce it dOO vAy. Now seriously everyone how cool of a word is that?? I mean really. I don't think I'll ever go back to saying quilt or blanket. Old Jed's left the family tehe

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