Monday, June 30, 2008


Hi everyone,
This post is about dating and what the bible says about, what I think about it, and a Godly perspective on it. Okay I think that for anyone under 18 it is not a smart thing to do and it would really hurt you to date. I mean if it is Gods will for you to get married at a young age then he will show you but generally under 18, not good. And even when you do turn 18 doesn't mean oh hey I can start dating cause thats stupid I think. One reason is because you shared yourself with whatever other guys/girls so that many other people have "had" you and its not just your husbands/wives but all the other guys/girls you dated I am talking about your body and your feeling and thoughts and whatever else you do when you date, I don't know. Another reason why it isn't smart to date while still young is because your eyes are supposed to be on Christ while you are single and still young. How can you do that if you are dating someone because girls I know we can be a handful and need attention and guys you have to be paying the attention and paying for our stuff. You can make up all the excuses you want like "ooh I luv them" or, "my eyes are on Christ" but you know they aren't really or "I am dating them to get them saved". HAHAHA bad company corrupts good morals. You can't afford. You should be saving up for something like a car or college or something like that. You can't afford it also in the spiritual aspect either because your eyes are being taken away from were they need to be and before you know it bye bye church hello world. Also it says not to be unequally yoked which means that you shouldn't be dating someone not saved because first off why would you want to, they're the child of the devil and you are the child of Christ, oil, water, ringing a bell. And if they are a christian or a "christian" then their eyes should be on Christ and maybe God will bring you together, but it's not the time for that right know. We need to keep our eyes on Christ and even just saying like "ooh he's cute" can distract you it does for me so don't say it can't cause it can. I encourage you to ask God to help you with it because I have a really hard time not, especially with Godly guys cause hello they luv the same God I do. Dating is for the sake to get married. Every time you date someone, you give a little bit of you heart away. So when you get to your husband/wife and you have dated a lot, you can't give him/her all you heart cause you just gave a bunch of it all away. Also guys you should be able to support your future wife so go get a job and work hard unto the lord. I don't know about you other girls but I want a husband who can provide for me and be there for me and luv God more than me cause that is important. Girls it is really hard for any guy to keep there eyes were they need to be when you want them to be looking down your shirt or somewhere else. Come on be modest. For you, you should keep all that stuff for your husband because it is something to treasure and for them and them only, your husbands I mean. And if you got it DON'T FLAUNT IT. That is for your husbands and not for everyone else, so cover up. You can be in style without showing all you treasures to the world. And guys come on keep your hands to yourself and leave the girls alone because you need to keep your luv for Christ and for your future wife so BACK OFF. So I hope that was encouraging for some and convicted some of you and I hope you will take it to heart. And guys I encourage you if it is distracting look at the sky/ceiling or anywhere but there, and I understand in school its a bit hard but you can do it, in the bible it asks have we gone to the extreme unto death to not sin?? So guys do whatever it takes to keep from that. And it is embarrassing for me to see others and that guys are seeing that. So knock it off and put on some clothes girlie's.
Stay pure and keep your eyes on Christ.

My YFN trip

Hey everyone,
Just want to tell you all about my trip down to Texas. It was a blast. I met some really cool people who totally luv God and a dude who looks like Keith Green how cool is that. The heat was awesome and I luv Texas. The school there seems like the most amazing thing ever. So what God did in me. He really helped and showed me some stuff that I didn't know and even some stuff I did know. The thing I didn't know was that I had unforgiveness in my life toward my father and so I had to go and repent for that. That was like ouch, that burned. Also something else that He showed, I think that I am supposed to be a missionary and I think I am supposed to go to the college CFNI in Texas and possibly the CORE which is a summer thing in Texas also. God also showed me that I am very distracted. Like every time I look at someone I'm like ooh someone to talk to. Also whenever I talk to any guy , forget it no more my attention. That is a serious thing because my eyes are supposed to be on Him and Him alone. My life as a single teenager is to live my life for Him not for me. Until I am old enough to even start dating my eyes should still be one Christ. Soo for some of the hysterically funny things that happened. One was I met this one guy named Zach. First his name is Zach Frost lol how funny is that. Second he came to eat dinner with us and my one friend looks at him and says whats your name Zach. ...... I am there laughing soo hard and he is on the floor laughing no joke. I was like were did he go and he's on the floor and I just couldn't handle it. Another thing that happened was we had a talent show and a group of 4 guys sang a song about tacos lol. Are tacos good for u u, are tacos good for u u lol luv it. Another thing is charlie. Charlie you bit my finger lol. Julian couldn't make my fingers go together lol. It only worked on him and his sister mysterious I think. Then one day I was walking and freaking out at one kid in my youth group b/c he burns so easily and he didn't put any sun screen on and then this kid behind me looks at me and is like "your his mother". I was like shut up and then we became friends but it was funny and then he told this one girl who was on my nation and she later asked me if I really had a son and I was like lol, no it was just a joke tehe. So life is good and I miss everyone and everything like crazy so yeah.
Luv in Christ
no were near perfect