Friday, July 25, 2008

Exciting News

Hey everyone just want to give you an exciting news update of my my life. Well I went for an interview at subway on Thursday at three and I thought it went pretty well. Wellll I was most definitely right. I got the job!!!!! I am very excited and start on Wednesday at 11 so that is very very cool. They have some really cool benefits I think. I get a visor tehe I think that's just cool. And a name tag lol. I just want to praise God for giving this opportunity and getting me the job cause I said something right and they were not my own, I know that for sure. So just praise God for once again providing and answering my prayers. It is just really cool. I am going to have money finnallllyy. LOL
Luv all you guys soo much and miss y'all, my brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Funny Moments

Ok so this blog is about duh funny moments. I think this past week has been very interesting and for me sooo blonde. So the first 2 stories are of friends. The first story is about my friends mom. I was at the mall with her mom and two other friends and my sister and her brother and sister. We were on our way out and this lady said hello and my friends mom said hello back. I just started laughing sooo hard. Because the lady walking by was on her cell phone and my friends mom just thought it would be funny to say hello. And it was. The second story is of my friends brother. Who sometimes doesn't think through things lol. So they were on their way to Denny's and a cop was following them the whole way. The cop walks up to her brother and says, " Sir have we had too many drinks tonight??" and her brother says, "no" the cop then says, " why did you park in a handicap parking space then." Her brother then is like aahuuhughg. So the cop asks for his license and registration and her brother gives the cop his visa card. LOL didn't help his case much right. funny funny funny. Now for my blonde moments. I was on AIM and someone wrote mk. I was like what does that mean. He was like mmmkkkkk. I was like oooohhhh I get it sorry blonde moment. Then someone else said they were house rehibilitating. I was like ooh. I thought he was like at his house rehbilitating from drugs or something. He just meant like flipping a house lol. I am such a dork sometimes. lol. Right know I can't remember anymore but I am positive that there are more so there is my little ness on my dorkiness. My friend said one time that if you want to sound smart add ness at the end of everything and if you want to sound cool add Laaddddiiieesss at the end of everything. How you doing Laaadddiiiesss. lol luv you man

Monday, July 14, 2008


Life can be really hard sometimes. Lately my life has been kind of crazy just because of some stuff that has happened in our church and in my family. Even though things can get messed up in life we still need to keep our eyes focused on Christ which can sometimes be hard when we are to focused on the things of this world or the problems we have. One time I think on a retreat one of the speakers asked what makes a mountain a mountain. He said it depends on how you look at it. If you are looking at it through your own eyes sure it's huge cause we can't do anything on our own. But when we look at the problem through God's eyes then it is just a little mole hill which it was the whole time we just were to stupid to realize. Even though life can be crazy God is always there for us. It amazes me how loving and compassionate God is toward us. My one friend on Sunday what just testifying about how great God is. And I started thinking about it. In troubled times God always prepares us for what is coming. Why would he prepare us? Because He loves us so much. It just amazes me how much He cares and loves us even when we are so stupid and rude to Him sometimes. The stories of Peter are really encouraging to me because even though he messed up so many times God still forgave him and Peter would come back and repent and go on his way again to serve the Lord. So even though we mess up so many times God is still waiting for us to repent and come back to Him and serve Him. God is amazing and I love how he cares for me even when I mess up. I encourage you to look through the problems of life through Christ's eyes and see the mole hill not the mountain.
Praise God,

Friday, July 11, 2008


I luv sleep. It makes me very happy when I am cranky or hey even tired. I luv the feeling when you are so tired and you lay down in your comfortable bed and you feel so relaxed and so like your done and then you close your eyes and you are off to a wonderful time in la la land. I luv dreams also. Except ever since we came back from Texas I have been dreaming about Texas and the people I have met and it has been qutie odd I must say. So there, you know my view on sleep. lol

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The universe

This post is for the people in VA who want me to write about all the completely random stories I told them and all the things I thought very deeply about and they just thought I was weird. Which I don't completely disagree with them tehe. So one day, I don't know where I was but whatever. So I was thinking about, you know some people are like, " well who is upside down and who is right side up on the earth?" so I was like well the northern hemisphere will never be "upside down" we are always right side up. So then I thought that the gravitational pull on the southern hemisphere must be stronger because they are upside down so the earth has to try harder to keep them "in" the earth. Now for me this is some hard thinking I really thought about it. So I go to my friends graduation party and tell like 7 people about my theory and the guy next to me just was like "well how do you know this?" I was like "I don't know I just have a theory" So throughout the night we would come back to it and they would all pick on me about and the dude sitting next to me, just want to say a shout out to you by the by lol, me and him would just go back and forth about it and it was funny. And then everyone around the fire was like "you need a blog to write all this weird stuff down" lol I am not bitter I thought it was fun but I just thought I would tell you all about my very deep thinking. Also one little thing I thought about on the way up was, I saw two mormons walking and I thought about there name. "Mor" "Mon" It sounds like More Men lol. They got a kick out of that. So there is my post dedicated to the dude that sat next to me you know who you are, and all the VA people who I luv. You all are soo cool.


Ok you all may think I am the most crazy person on earth but I think that names are the most brilliant name ever created. One day I was driving to church just thinking about names and I was like, "wow who ever came up with the idea of names what sooo smart" and I thought, " oohh yeah God did". So I went to youth group and told my friend and she thougth it was so funny. But I mean really, think about it. What if all our names were like numbers there would be like 100 10's or something. It would get a bit crazy. Then at my friends Graduation party they had some friends from VA come up and they were laughing at me and were like , "you are kind of strange " which is all good, I am cool with that. lol. I really like names and I think they are very interesting. My top names right now for boys if I have boys are Payton Jeremiah and Lewis Harold possibly not sure on that one yet thought. And I am not sure for girls names yet because I want at least 2 boys and a girl maybe 2 girls idk .
So there is my blurb on names.


Hey there y'all!
You may think this might me a weird post but I think it is very interesting. I think eyes are very interesting. I mean they can see and they are very colorful. Iwas talking to some friends and thought I was just really weird but whatever to them tehe jk. My youth leader says that people who have hazel eyes just can't figure out what color their eyes are so they are jsut confused. Which I am going to defend the hazel eyed people and say that we aren't confused they just go changing colors on us dude. I luv having hazel eyes they are really pretty. One day I was looking at my eyes and I thought to myself "Man, I wish I had eyes like that" lol I do. tehe. I really like blue eyes and very much luv Hazel eyes and brown eyes are very pretty also. I don't know I just really like eyes. And just becuase I like those colored eyes doesn't mean that I like the people who have those color eyes just for all you people who may think that cause I mean my friend has brown eyes and I don't like him in a romantic way only in a brother in Christ way. So there is my little blurb about eyes.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Testimony

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

Romans 8:1-4
If you haven't noticed yet by the title, and by the scripture, I am going to write about my testimony. Like it says above, there is NO CONDEMNATION for those in Him. Which means if you are saved, its all good, God forgave you of all that. At youth group my friend was talking about her testimony and how even though she was forgiven she kind of thought it was still there. But guess what, she knows and I know that it's not. When you get saved God takes it all away and that was the old person and you are now new through Christ. That's what baptism symbolizes.The old dying and the new rising. I know to some of you guys this may be a shocking thing to hear, I mean my testimony. Some stuff I have never told anyone. I was to ashamed to tell anyone. But I thought why? God forgave me. If you think less of me then that's your problem, not mine. But the good news is that God made me new. Glory to God!! So now my story.
I grew up in a church going family. From the outside you would have thought wow, she has got the best life ever. But really it wasn't all that. My dad was angry and would just burst out and flip out randomly for no reason. Just because of that, doesn't mean I have an excuse to do that though, and I forgive him and stuff but whatever. My mom is the best she is so loving and I luv her so much even though we disagree sometimes. Anyways when I was like 5 I asked God into my heart and I got a prize and whatever. But I wasn't really saved. So life went on. I kept thinking I was saved even though I wasn't living the life or anything like that. In 6th grade my father got taken out of our house and more recently I was in 9th grade and my parents are divorced. It is hard sometimes because he is my dad but God takes care of me and I am happy. Anyways when I was in 6th grade an old friend of mine came over and wanted to show me this website, so I was like sure that's cool. Little did I know that she was about to show me a bad site that no one should go to. So I was like omw that's kind of weird. So she left and I was like I wonder what that was so I went back to it. And I went back to it and again, and again, and again. Until little did I know it had a hold on me. Then I started feeling like hey if they can do crap like that and other things why not me. I never did that stuff but I did things to make myself feel like it. I always justified it and said ooohh yeah there is nothing wrong with no one's getting hurt. It was hurting others adn me. Every time I would do it I would feel so guilty and be like I am soo sorry God please forgive me. But I would just go and do it again. I was the angriest person I was so hateful. I liked my friends I hated my family I was mad at what my life was like and all this other stuff. About a year ago I just got so fed up with always being mad and always messing up that I just cried out to God and asked him to save me. And ever since then I have been quite a happy person and God is still working on me. I am probably the biggest project he has lol. The the bad site has completely taken away my innocence and I am very regretful of it. When we were at YFN during the Purity session one of the interns told her testimony and my story was her story except for her mother not being there for her. And I had so much condemnation from what I did I just couldn't move on. After we went up to the alter the interns came to talk to us and the one that talked to me asked me if I had asked for forgiveness and I was like yeah, and she said God forgave me then and there is no condemnation in Christ. So praise God I am saved. Let this be encouraging or whatever but remember there is NO CONDEMNATION in Christ.
Luv your sister in Christ,